This level is divided into RED on the North side, BLUE on the South side. For information on which side your airline is located, please refer to signage displayed over the escalators or elevators.
To locate the correct terminal for a departing flight, please refer to Flight Information signs located near each elevator.
All airline ticket counters
Public telephones
Courtesy phones for passenger paging
Bagport/ Luggage Carts
Skycap service
If you are departing on a flight or dropping off a departing passenger, please follow Departures signs for the color code of your airline. Signs are posted overhead on the main inbound airport roadway.
The curbside is restricted to active unloading of departing passengers and luggage and check in at the exterior airline counters only. Unattended cars are subject to ticket or tow by traffic enforcement personnel.
Passengers needing to go inside the terminal to check luggage, make changes to tickets or other travel arrangements need to park their vehicle in one of the parking facilities.
It is suggested that you confirm flight information prior to leaving for the Airport.